Individual patterns | Pattern collections | Books

Pattern Translations

Knit pattern translations are perfect for designers who want to reach a wider audience. TuyaKnits offers a professional translation service for knitting patterns and books. I offer translations for English, Swedish, and Finnish so that you can reach more customers from around the world.

Expand your reach

Individual patterns

From Finnish into English:

Individual patterns

Pattern collections

Knitting books

From Swedish into Finnish:

Individual patterns

Pattern collections

Knitting books

Other craft books or instructions upon request!

From English into Finnish. I can help you translate:


Individual patterns and small pattern collections: 

Books and larger pattern collections:

• 6 fixed price categories based on the length of a pattern; starting from 65 euros (+ VAT 24% if applicable).

• Special pricing based on the actual word count of a pattern - just ask!

• Package prices based on the extent of the work - just ask!

Get in touch to have the Price List for fixed-price categories of individual patterns or to ask for a quote for your special translation needs! In order to give you a quote for individual patterns or a collection of a few patterns, I will need to see the patterns to evaluate the price category. You can send the files(s) by email or as an attachment via my contact form. In the case of books, please contact me for further details. Thanks!

Anna Friberg 


"Stort tack för gott samarbete Tuija! Din återmatning är alltid konstruktiv och gör att jag utvecklas som designer.

Thank you for your continued collaboration, Tuija! Your feedback is always constructive and helps me move forward as a designer."

Avery Ann

"Beard austin cardigan, hexagon fashion axe letterpress cornhole vice seitan franzen listicle. Sriracha craft beer pickled iPhone, irony."

Jordan Turner

"Small batch thundercats, raclette hashtag messenger bag 3 wolf moon fixie subway tile. Banjo vinyl keffiyeh next level sriracha master cleanse"

• Védis Jónsdóttir: Islantilaisia neuleita (Knitting with Icelandic Wool/Pjórnađ úr Íslesnkri ull; Tammi 2013)
• Piitu Nykopp: Kerroksia (Tammi 2015)
• Ronja Hakalehto: Lakeside Stitches - Knits from the North (Cozy Publishing, 2023)

TECH edited and / or COPY edited Books

• Ruth Cross: Sisusta neuleilla (The Knitted Home; Tammi 2013)
• Madeline Weston & Rita Taylor: Vintage-neuleet (Knit Vintage; Tammi 2014)
• Pepa Martin & Karen Davis: Värjää uudeksi! (Tie Dip Dye; Tammi 2015)
• Védis Jónsdóttir: Lopi 41 - Ístex 30 vuotta (Lopi 41 - Ístex 30 years; Ístex Ltd 2022)


TECH edited and / or COPY edited Books


• Beloved Patterns 1/2023 - Pihlgren and Ritola (A-lehdet, 2023) 
• Beloved Patterns 2/2023 - Birger Kaipiainen (A-lehdet, 2023)
• Beloved Patterns 1/2024 - Pentik (A-lehdet, 2024)
• Beloved Patterns 2/2024 - Aarikka (A-lehdet, 2024)


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